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信息来源:国际贸易法律网 发布时间:2012-4-26 15:46:34 阅读次数:次 我要评论

iii. indicate the date of issuance. This date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the air transport document contains a specific notation of the actual date of shipment, in which case the date stated in the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment.

iii. 注明出具日期。这一日期将被视为装运日期,除非空运单据包含注有实际装运日期的专项批注,在此种情况下,批注中显示的日期将被视为装运日期。

Any other information appearing on the air transport document relative to the flight number and date will not be considered in determining the date of shipment.


iv. indicate the airport of departure and the airport of destination stated in the credit.


v. be the original for consignor or shipper, even if the credit stipulates a full set of originals.


vi. contain terms and conditions of carriage or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage. Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined.


b. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one aircraft and reloading to another aircraft during the carriage from the airport of departure to the airport of destination stated in the credit.


c. i. An air transport document may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped, provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same air transport document.


ii. An air transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment.





Article 24 Road, Rail or Inland Waterway Transport Documents


a. A road, rail or inland waterway transport document, however named, must appear to:


i. indicate the name of the carrier and:

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