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信息来源:国际贸易法律网 发布时间:2012/3/31 15:45:24 阅读次数:次 我要评论







四、外贸、工贸公司对外签订空运进口货物合同,应当争取采用fob价格(卖方将货物交到买方指定飞机上的价格)条款,充分使用我国民航飞机,尽量利用外运 公司或其他货运代理部门在国外的空运代理外贸、工贸公司对外签订的合同条款中,应当充分考虑国内报关和疏运方面的需要。要求卖方填写运单、制作单据发票时,必须填写同一唛头标记、合同号,并提供足够的份数。在货物外装上,应当要求卖方刷制完整醒目的唛头标记。


六、民航货运部门在空运进口货物到港后,应及时与外运公司或其他货运代理部 门办理货物的交接工作,逐票点清。如果货物发生短缺、破损或者全票货物丢失,应当由民航货运部门签发商务记录。




十、海关应当本着既把关又服务的精神,简化手续,加快进口货物的验放速度。对于进口货物验凭国家规定的批准证件按规章予以放行。海关对于索赔货物,应按照海关总署《关于无代价抵偿进出口货物的征免税规定》验放。对当时交验索赔证明有困难的,在收货人提供必要的担保后,海关可先予以放行,并限期补办手续。对于不属国家限制进口商品且又无法提供发票的样品、礼品 ,经收货人申请,海关可以开箱查验,做出估价,并按规章予以征税或免税放行。








Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时 应以法律
This English document is coming the "LAWS AND REG
ULATIONS OF THEPEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the StateCouncil of the People's Republic of China is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

1.(Approved promulgated by the State Council on August 25 1987)With the development of China's foreign trade economic technological exchanges with foreign countries the amount of imports byair has increased rapidly the task of transporting goods airportshas become increasingly arduous. The following interim measures areformulated in order to speed up the flow of goods at airports to prevent goods being kept too long in storage:1. When entrusting the foreign trade companies the industrial tradecompanies which are empowered to import the relevant commodities to do theordering the units importing goods through air transport must conscientiously fill out import orders according to the instructions ofthe entrustedunits. The full name of the units the detailed addressesmust be written in the column for the consignee with the names telephone numbers of the persons in charge clearly indicated.

2. When it is necessary to claim damages dem resupply of goods the seller because of lackloss of imported goods caused by the sellerthe company which didthe ordering shall be responsible for the workinvolved. If in special cases the job must be done by the usersthemselves it is necessary to ask the seller to indicate clearly on theway bill the number of the contract the consignee (if foreign tradetransport companiesother agent transport departments are entrusted to do the job the names of these companiesdepartments shall beindicated) notify the company which did the ordering of the goods ofthe results.

3. Foreign trade companies industrial trade companies should acceptentrustment for ordering goods within the approved scope of business forhling imported commodities. They must not accept entrustment those user units which have not obtained import licences for the goods.
These companies should examine verify import orders write themarks codes symbols in strict accordance with the relevantstipulations. The relevant personnel should be professionally familiarwith the structure of the marks arrange the codes strictly accordingto their order. No such mistakes as reversion addition subtractionmay be allowed.
Newly-established foreign trade companies industrial trade companiesshall apply to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Trade (orits Transport Bureau) for marks codes within one month of approval forthe establishment. Those companies which have not applied must go throughthe formalities within one month of promulgation of these Measures. Nounits may be allowed to devise their own codesborrow the codes ofother units. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Trade (or its Transport Bureau) shall conduct regular check-ups of the marks codes
used by various companies.

4. When signing contracts of imports by air with foreign businessmen companies foreign trade companies industrial trade companies shouldtry to fix FOB prices (prices calculated on the basis that the sellerdeliver the goods to the planesdesignated by the buyer) in the clauses sothat our civil aviation planes the agencies for air transport of ourforeign trade transport companiesother agent transport companiesstationed in foreign countries will be used as much as possible. Whensigning contracts with foreign businessmen companies foreign trade
companies industrial trade companies should take into ful
lconsideration the factors of Customs clearance transport in China.
When the sellers are requested to write way-bills bills receiptsthey must provide consistent marks codes the numbers of thecontracts with enough copies. It is also necessary to ask the sellers tomake eye-catching full-size marks symbols on the outside packing ofthe goods.

5. After signing contracts foreign trade companies industrial tradecompanies shall promptly send copies of the contracts the licences other relevant materials to foreign trade transport companiesother agent transport companies as certificates for taking over the goodsCustoms clearance transport.

6. After imported goods arrive at airports by air transport departmentsof the civil aviation administration shall promptly complete the formalities for hing over the goods to the relevant foreign trade transport companies other agent transport companies with every lot ofgoods carefully checked. In case of any lackdamage of the goodsofloss of the whole lot of goods transport departments of the civil
aviation administration shall sign issue certificates.

7. After receiving the goods entrusted for Customs clearance foreigntrade transport companiesother agent transport companies should gothrough the formalities within the time limit prescribed by the Customs.
With respect to the goods which have been entrusted for Customs clearancebut are not armed with adequate number of documents those goods whichhave not been entrusted but belong to the category for which agenttransport companies have the duty to notify the relevant units thesecompanies should send three noticesletters of inquiry to the units ordering the goodsthe consignee within the limited Customs clearanceperiod. Upon the arrival of the goods a notice of arrivala letter ofinquiry shall be sent; if the goods are not cleared through the Customswithin a month a notice of pressing for Customs clearancea letter ofinquiry shall be sent; if the goods are not cleared through the Customswithin two months another notice of pressing for Customs clearanceathird letter of inquiry shall be sent. All the notices letters shallbe sent by registered mail. With respect to the goods which should bedirectly hed over to the consignee by transport departments of thecivil aviation administrations the departments shall send three notices of pressing for Customs clearance within two months of the arrival of the goods.

8. In order to find out the real situation to facilitate the Customsclearance in case that goods imported by air are not cleared through the Customs two months after the day when the means of transport were declaredfor entry transport departments of the civil aviation administrationforeign trade transport companiesother agent transport departments may send separate applications to the Customs for opening the packing of the goods. The opening of the packing shall be conducted under the supervision of the Customs which shall sign issue the relevant certificates.

9. Under no excuses may consignees refuse to go through the formalitiesconcerning Customs clearance refuse to take delivery of their goods.When there are good reasons they should promptly explain to the Customstransport departments of the civil aviation administrations foreign tradetransport companiesother agent transport departments complete thejob within three months. During this period the consignees may declare to the Customs that they abon the relevant advertisement materialsamples presents those documents of claims for damages which havexceeded the prescribed period of validity. The goods imported through contracts those documents of claims for damages which have notexceeded the prescribed period of validity may not be aboned inprinciple. When there are good reasons for the abonment approval mustbe obtained the competent department.

10. The Customs should simplify the formalities speed up theexamination clearance of imported goods in the spirit of providinggood service but with strict examination. The imported goods withdocuments of approval issued by theState shall be cleared according to the relevant regulations.
The goods for which damages have been claimed shall be examined  cleared in accordance with the Stipulations Concerning Imposition of orExemption duties on Imported Exported Goods Compensated at No Costs formulated by the General Administration of Customs. If it isdifficult for the consignees to produce the certificates of claims for theexamination on the spot the Customs may clear the goods first after the consignees provide necessary guarantee promise to go through the
formalities within the time limit. With respect to the samples presents which do not belong to the category of imported goods restricted by the State but are not supported by receipts upon the application ofthe consignees the Customs may open the packing for examination offer an appraised price clear the goods withwithout taxes according to theregulations.

11. If consignees fail to declare to the Customs within three months ofthe declaration for entry by the means of transport their imported goodsshall be transferred to the Customs for sale by the transport departments of the civil aviation administration foreign trade transport companies orother agent transport department. The goods should be sold in the principle of economy making the best use of everything. Instruments  machinery equipment should be sold as far as possible to the relevant
units. The money the sale of such goods after the deduction of theexpenses for transport loading unloading storage as well as the duties shall be returned by the Customs to the consignees upon their applications within one year of selling. The money shall be turned over to the State treasury if no one applies for it.

12. Units importing goods foreign trade companies industrial tradecompanies foreign trade transport companies other agent transportdepartments as well as the Customs at the airports must all strictlyimplement these Measures should in accordance with these Measuresestablish amplify theirrules regulations clarify post responsibilities.

13. The commissions (or offices) in charge of port affairs in variousregions shall in accordance with the Interim Provisions for the Scope of Competence of Local Administrative Organs for Port Affairs issued by the General Office of the State Council organize various relevant units at the ports to jointly check the implementation of these Measures solve contradictions promptly through coordinated efforts.
In case that goods have gone bad documents claiming for damages have exceeded the prescribed periodowners of the goods cannot be found because of clogged airports caused by violations of these Measures investigations shall be carried out to pursue the economic  administrative liabilities of the responsible unitspersons.

14. The Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council shall inconjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Trade the General Administration of Customs the Civil Aviation Administration of China other relevant departments conduct regular checkups  promptly review solve existing problems.

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